COMPASsCO2 is structured into 8 Work Packages.

  • WP1 (Materials operation conditions and their feasibility studies) looks at the specifications of the materials developed in the project. The long-term requirements to coating materials for extreme environments in regard to the addressed applications will be actualised;
  • WP2 (Development and testing of particles) will characterize the selected particles and assess their performance, tune the properties of the particles to meet the requirements of thermal stability, high absorptance and abrasion resistance, and model the lifetime of the particles;
  • WP3 (Development of metals) will seek increase durability of CSP component materials, by taking newly demonstrated materials and accelerating their development;
  • WP4 (Evaluation and modelling of metal/medium interaction) entails a complete characterization of the new materials, including modelling, under application relevant conditions.
  • WP5 (Technology validation) will serve to validate the materials applicability and thermodynamic behavior on industrial relevant conditions at the s-CO2 loop. It is expected that the materials understanding and developed model will be improved and validated with the effects and interaction at the demonstrator;
  • WP6 (Project management and coordination) deals with project management and coordination to ensure good communication between the partners and the time efficient achievement of the objectives;
  • WP7 (Communication, dissemination and exploitation) will ensure the good exploitation of the results obtained during and after the project, and communication and dissemination of the results, research activities and technological achievements to potential end-users.
  • WP8 (Ethics requirements) sets out the appropriate environmental, health and safety procedures for the project.

The project structure and interlinkages between the various WPs is presented below: