The Review Meetings (RM) are organised by the EC Project Officer with an external expert and the project participants. The COMPASsCO2 work plan, deliverables and milestones are evaluated against objectives. Within the framework of COMPASsCO2, three RMs are envisaged.

Meeting 2
The Second Review Meeting of the Horizon 2020 project “Components’ and Materials’ Performance for Advanced Solar Supercritical CO2 Powerplants – COMPASsCO2” took place on 21 March 2024, online.
March 21st, 2024

Meeting 1
The First Review Meeting of the Horizon 2020 project “Components’ and Materials’ Performance for Advanced Solar Supercritical CO2 Powerplants – COMPASsCO2” took place on 7 April 2022. The meeting was organized in hybrid format (at John Cockerill HQ in Seraing, Belgium and online). In addition to project participants, the European Commission Project Officer and an external reviewer attended in order to assess the work conducted during the first 18 months of implementation and provide recommendations for the next phase
April 7th, 2022